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Vice President and Dean of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management

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Vice President and Dean of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management


Expected Start Date: As soon as a suitable candidate is found.

Date Posted: 5/27/2022

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled.

Position Title: Vice-President and Dean of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management

Reports To: The President

Terms of Employment: Twelve months

Salary Range:

FLSA Classification: 免除



副校长兼学生事务和招生管理主任(VP/DSAEM)是学院的首席学生事务和招生管理官员.  副总裁/DSAEM负责通过积极发展培养对学生成功的承诺, implementing, and maintaining programs and services that enrich student learning, build and maintain a strong sense of community, and support the social and personal development of students at 潘恩 College.  副总裁/DSAEM还为学生保留和入学增长提供领导.

副校长兼学生事务和招生管理主任提供创新的愿景和战略,以支持最佳的学生体验,并领导和监督学生事务部门的部门和项目.g., Student Discipline, Counseling Services, Career Services, Health Services, Student Activities, and Housing and Residence Life) as well as Recruitment, Admissions, and Enrollment.  This position reports directly to the President. 



  1. 1. 作为高级行政部门的一员与校长一起工作,以实现十大赌博平台排行榜的使命和愿景.

  2. 2. 制定与学院长期目标一致的学生事务和招生管理的优先事项.

  3. 3. 计划, organizes, and administers a comprehensive program of student services, activities, development, and enrollment management.

  4. 4. 协调招生管理/招生活动、运作和职能.

  5. 5. 策略性地工作,以增加学生入学率,通过一个明确的招聘, admissions, and enrollment campaign.

  6. 6. Oversees activities in the College's Strategic Plan to increase enrollment.

  7. 7. Directs or delegates the activities of the offices of Student Government, Student Activities, Royal Court, Pan-Hellenic Council; and recommends to the President policy formulations in these areas.

  8. 8. Supervises an effective program of Career Services, guidance, and counseling.

  9. 9. 领导学院宿舍有效的生活学习环境的发展,并监督该计划的实施.  确保覆盖所有宿舍,并为每个宿舍分配一名住宿主任.

  10. 10. Enforces the Code of Conduct (including the Dress Code) governing the rights, responsibilities, 和纪律,并每年提交行政委员会审查和批准.

  11. 11. Serves as an advocate for students in the protection of student rights.

  12. 12. Responsible for administering the regulations regarding student conduct adopted by the College; provide regular reports to the faculty concerning student conduct; and develop and implement more effective ways to achieve high standards of student conduct.

  13. 13. 每年修订一次,并通过学院网站向每个学生提供学生手册, 包含有关学生网上赌博网站十大排行的规章制度,这些规章制度已被全体教员采纳,并经校长和董事会批准.

  14. 14. 准备并提交校长批准有关学生事务的预算, Recruitment, Enrollment, and Admissions and supervises the administration of the approved budgets.

  15. 15. 向校长建议学生事务处职员的任命和晋升.

  16. 16. 向校长提交学生事务处的活动报告.

  17. 17. 协助制定拨款提案,为政府和私人机构以外的指定项目提供独特的资金.

  18. 18. Develops goals and strategies for accomplishing assigned responsibilities; actively participates in the College's strategic planning processes.

  19. 19. Provides leadership, direction, 负责管理学院学生事务与招生管理组织结构,监督该组织结构中主要领导的角色和职责,并进行评估和评估.

  20. 20. Conducts reviews of all student services programs on a scheduled basis.

  21. 21. Participates in the retention efforts of the College.

  22. 22. 担任行政理事会成员和战略规划和评价委员会成员. 

  23. 23. 担任校董会学生生活及福利委员会的行政联络员.

  24. 24. Other duties as assigned by the President. 



  1. 1. An earned doctorate from an accredited university recognized by the U.S. Department of Education with appropriate administrative experience.  至少3 - 5年类似职位工作经验,包括招生工作经验, recruitment, and enrollment is preferred.

  2. 2. Strong leadership, interpersonal, 以及人际关系技巧,能够在大学里与各个层次的人很好地合作.

  3. 3. 与学院社区的所有成员进行有效沟通(口头和书面)的能力.

  4. 4. Strong planning and organizational skills.

  5. 5. 大专以上预算和财务管理经验.

  6. 6. 对员工的监督和多方面项目的管理有成功的经验, 包括领导有效的学生事务和招生管理团队的能力.

  7. 7. The ability to manage or adapt to change, make difficult decisions, implement conflict resolution strategies, and ensure employee and department accountability.

  8. 8. Demonstrated cultural competency, including successful experience working with a diverse group of students.


EVALUATION: 这项工作的表现将根据专业发展计划(PDP)和学院对教职员工的评估工具进行评估.



Salary is competitive and commensurate with professional experience.



As soon as a suitable candidate is found.  Review of applications will begin immediately.


To Apply

Complete an application for employment online.

Submit the following materials to apply for the position:

Letter of interest that details the applicant's expertise and outlines the applicant's qualifications for the position; vita; three letters of recommendation; and all unofficial academic transcripts from institutions of higher education attended by the applicant.  If hired, an original transcript must be submitted within one (1) month of hire.  The candidate must also submit an acceptable criminal background check.


For specific questions regarding this posting contact:

夫人. Troyline Griffin, Human Resources

电子邮件: tgriffin@free-real-estate-listings.com


注意: If hired, 成功的候选人将被要求签署一份证明声明,表明他们已阅读, understand, 并尊重十大赌博平台排行榜的信仰声明和基督教教育哲学声明.  These statements may be found at http://free-real-estate-listings.com/web/about/about/foundational-statements


To Apply

Complete an Application for Employment online. 教师职位可能仍然要求申请人邮寄成绩单和其他文件. See application for details.


For questions regarding this posting contact:
潘恩 College
Office of Human Resources



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